If you’re a black man looking to grow a beard, there are some things you need to know. This beard growth for black men guide will teach you every cheat code, tip and best practice about growing a lustrous, healthy beard. We’ll cover topics like choosing the right facial hair style for your face shape, how to properly care for your beard, and which products can help grow that long, healthy flow.

Let’s get started by discussing the basics of beard growth for black men. We’ll also discuss the benefits of growing a beard and how to battle common issues we seem to face, like itchiness and patchy growth. By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to rock any style of facial hair with confidence.

Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to growing the perfect beard!

1. Why do black men have a harder time growing beards than other races?

Growing a beard can be difficult for anyone, but for some men, it can feel like an impossible task. Black men often experience this frustration, being left wondering why beard growth for black men can be so hard. This is due mostly to our genetics; the combination of characteristics passed down from our prior generations that impacts both the shape & density of facial hair. While it’s true that beard growth for black men can sometimes take longer than for other races…or for other brothers, its the hair quality that’s the struggle… with a little extra care and patience, anyone should be able to achieve the beard style they desire.


beard growth for black men



2. What are some of the best ways to promote beard growth for black men?

If you are a black man looking to promote beard growth, there are a few steps you can take to maximize your results. It is important to start by regularly washing & exfoliating your beard and skin, as these practices help to remove dirt and excess oils that can clog pores. Additionally, make sure you’re eating a balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals – such as B vitamins, zinc, and biotin – which have all been shown to support healthy beard growth. Finally, it’s important to massage the beard with natural oils; consider choosing products specifically designed for aiding beard growth like jojoba or castor oil. Doing this daily will help maintain beard hair health while providing an adequate base of nourishment for the follicles.

With these simple steps, black men should be able to achieve the beard they desire in no time!

3. How can you take care of your beard once it starts growing in properly?

Taking care of a beard for any man can be challenging, but beard growth for black men can be especially difficult. Even so, it can make all the difference in terms of style, professionalism, and confidence. The key to beard care for black men is regular maintenance and a few special products.

This means washing your beard on a regular basis with specialized beard shampoo and conditioning agents. Furthermore, it’s important to use beard oil or balm daily; not only will this hydrate the beard, but it will also protect against dandruff and itching. To stay on top of the game, you’ll want to trim split ends regularly while letting your beard grow at its own pace. With these tips in mind along with patience, anyone can have a healthy beard that stands out.

4. What are some popular beard styles for black men that will look good on anyone’s face shape?

Black men have always had amazing beard growth and the top beard styles today are a great fit for them. The buzz-cut beard style is a classic look, trimmed close to the face in a uniform shape. The goatee beard combines sideburns with a patch of hair beneath the chin and around the lips. This look can be adjusted to either a longer or shorter length, depending on one’s preference. A curve beard is another stylish choice, helping prolong face shape while offering an extra bit of personality.

For those looking for a slightly bolder beard style, there are variations such as the razor-edged beard and the rugged beard, which boast more defined lines for added definition. With these beard styles, black men can do everything from adding elegance to making a statement; it just depends on how they want to wear their facial hair!


beard growth for black men

5. How can you prevent beard itch and other common problems associated with facial hair growth?

Growing a beard can be a tricky business, especially for black men who tend to grow thicker, coarser beards. To prevent beard itch and other common problems that can come with beard growth, it’s important to stay diligent with your facial care regime. Start by keeping the beard clean and conditioned with natural beard oils or balms; this will help reduce skin irritation and help keep your beard hydrated. When trimming the beard, always use sharp scissors or clippers to ensure a neat look; cutting the hair in an inconsistent way can cause discomfort.

Lastly, try not to overlook your underlying skin – since facial hair traps oil underneath, it’s beneficial to exfoliate regularly using a gentle scrub or special beard brush.

6. Where can you find high-quality grooming products specifically designed for black men’s beards?

There are a few different places to find high-quality beard care products specifically designed for beard growth for black men. Online stores like Bevel, freegrooming, and other reputable beard product brands will have a wide selection of quality beard oils, balms, soaps, shampoos, grooming kits, and more to help keep your beard looking and feeling its best.

Additionally, many drugstores and big box retailers have recently picked up beard care products designed specifically for black men; you may want to check those shelves too! Ultimately, it’s all about finding the right beard care regime that works best for you—so take some time to figure out what works best before committing to one product.

Now that you know how to take care of your beard daily, as well as which products will help keep it healthy and strong, you’re ready to rock any style you want.

Whether you’re looking for a classic look or something more unique, there’s a black men beard style out there that’s perfect for you. And with the right products, you can ensure that your beard always looks its best. Do you have any favorite tips for maintaining a healthy beard? Let me know in the comments below!

H Bashir
H Bashir

I write about black men's style, and menswear in general, at WellDressedBrother.com. Follow us on IG @welldressedbrother