Want to submit an article to WellDressedBrother.com? Great! We accept style bloggers / writers from all kinds of backgrounds. Whether you want to build up a portfolio, have a style site of your own, or just enjoy writing, this is your chance.
- How to Submit: Send a Word Document to, or share your Google Document with, welldressedbrother@gmail.com. Make sure you send an email letting us know. Please include "Article Request" in the title of the email.
- Include: A short bio, as well as a picture of yourself! So we can properly give you credit. As well, feel free to send a link to your website / social media if you'd like us to shout you out.
- Time Frame: We try and post all articles within 3-4 weeks at the most, usually sooner.
The most popular articles at Well Dressed Brother have to do with style, lifestyle and culture specific to black men. News, trends and updates do really well.
Here are a few example topics you might want to consider:
- An article on the latest hairstyle fad (made popular by a certain celeb)
- How black men in a specific area or country are dressing
- Articles of clothing every black man should have in their wardrobe
Please note that even though we will credit you for your article, we reserve the right to change the headline of the article.
Before you submit your article for review, there are a few things you can do to make it easier for us to scan and publish it!
- Article Formatting: It helps if you're able to use bullet points, bold text, underlined / italicized texts and other staples of writing.
- Proofreading: If you're able to proofread your article ahead of time, that makes our jobs easier and shortens the process!
- Length: We're looking for articles that are at least 800 words long. Articles that are over 1,000 words get pushed to the front of the queue.
What makes a good article?
Try and provide value to readers (give them an “a-ha” moment). Include step by step instructions if there is a process involved.
Do you pay for articles?
Not at this time. However, we have a large SEO, email list, and social media presence, and will likely share your article across all channels.
Can I be a regular writer or contributor?
Yes you can! Make sure to mention this in your email along with your submitted article. We look forward to publishing.